Latest JoomSpirit news

Joomspirit with php 8

templates work perfectly with php 8. See here: template tests

Version de PHP 8.0.26
Serveur web Apache
Version de Joomla Joomla! 3.10.11 Stable [ Daraja ] 14-August-2022 14:18 GMT

Joomspirit team news

the joomspirit team is restructuring its organisation for better development.
joomspirit templates are not compatible with joomla 4
No release date for new versions yet to be informed of new versions of templates for Joomla 4 send your request by the contact form
see you soon

Update joomla 3.10.9 & 4.1.3

there is an update to 3.10.9, This new update has been tested and can be applied to your sites

Joomla 4 & joomspirit templates

Now that we have a stable front end and backend version we are working on compatible versions of the joomspriti templates. These versions will be as compatible as possible with the 3.x versions.
Scheduled for release in the first half of 2022

Update 3.10.5

there is a security issue for patch 3.10.5, This new update has been tested and can be applied to your sites

OVH mail alert

Due to a problem with sending mail from OVH, many messages never reached me. I apologise for this You can contact me again if you have any questions